YOSHITAKA KAWABE河部 吉孝 高水準の意匠住宅が割安で扱い易い既製品だけでも創れる企画を発案し、用地の仕入営業をも担いながらMODEL CODEの前身となる建売住宅を展開。植栽を維持する協定と表札の指定限定を条件に販売し、富裕層から「これなら注文で建てる必要は無い」と相場を超える成約を重ね、2019年から株式会社プロムスタイルにおいてMODEL CODEとして本格展開。用地仕入・企画設計・広告制作・動画脚本・対談出演・映像監督、それら総てのプロデュースを担い、デザイン・機能・経済・防犯・プライバシーの「バランス」だけに焦点を絞った、数十年色褪せない稀少な資産住宅を提供している。

We propose plans that can handle design houses at cheap prices, and that can build these houses using simple ready-made materials. We develop ready-built houses for sale, which are the precedents for MODEL CODE, while taking responsibility for the purchasing and sale of the lots.
We sell on the condition of agreements to maintain plants and to have limited designation of nameplates. We have concluded many contracts that exceed market price from wealthy customers that state that there is no need to build to order when purchasing from our company. Since 2019, we have started full-scale development for MODEL CODE at Prom Style Inc.
We handle all aspects of production, including site purchases, planning and design, advertisement production, video scripts, interview appearances, and video direction. We provide rare asset housing that narrows down its focus to a balance of design, functionality, economy, crime prevention and privacy, and with colors that won't fade for several decades.